As Peter's birthday fell during the summer Olympics we used that as a theme, decorating with multi cultural flags, the Olympic colors, and serving Chinese food.
After everyone had stuffed their faces with Chinese food, and watched a little Olympics it was time to sing "Happy Birthday!" Peter, being the ham that he is LOVED having all eyes on him, and did a number on his cupcake!
Two cupcakes later Peter needed a bath, but was soon back to his party to open his many generous gifts, including tons of new clothes (Brett was actually jealous of all the hoodies and a redskins shirt), and a few new toys (the theme seemed to be trucks and music makers).
It was a very fun afternoon, but totally wore Peter out. By the end of the party I found him laying on his back under the dining room table with the most tired look on his face. That night he slept for almost 14 hours!
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