I am not one of these mothers.
Not to say that I NEVER had that pang of fear, I checked a couple times when Peter was a new born, but it is very rare. I guess that is the good part about not being a nervous mother/person.
The other night however the nervous mom came out in full force...
Scene - 3:30am, Brett and my bed, I have just woken up realizing that I dosed off while feeding Aaron.
Me - (half asleep) Honey, I think Aaron is done eating, can you bring him back to his room?
Brett - Sure (picks Aaron and takes him)
Me - (the words of a thousand stories and warnings I have heard about not having you baby in bed with you because you could smother them accidentally, run through my mind)
Brett - (returning to bed) Good night babe.
Me - Was Aaron alive when you put him to bed?
Brett - Yes
Me - Can you check?
Brett - OK? (leaves for a minute, then returns) He is fine.
Me - Are you sure?
Brett - Yes, he was breathing and everything.
Me - What methods did you use to determine that he was breathing?
Brett - Good night babe.
At that point I got up to check myself.
Aaron was fine... just like the rest of the 99.9999999999% of babies whose mothers freak out and insist on making sure they are OK!
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