Last Friday, a neighbor came by and accidentally let our cat, Angel Food Cake, out.

Since we have been living in Annandale we have let her go out a little, because there isn't any wildlife around like there was at our home in McLean, however she always comes back within a couple hours. This time we were not so lucky.
Friday night I called for her all evening, shaking treats and trying to get her to come home. There was no sign of her anywhere.
The next morning, Brett and I took the kids on a long walk, searching all over the neighborhood and came home empty handed. At this point I really started to worry, so Brett and I made up "Lost Cat" signs and took another long walk searching and posting signs. Nothing.
By Sunday I was really panicked, but since we were having Peter's birthday party I had to put my mind on that. During the party my friends and I took trips around the block calling out for the cat, and asking neighbors, but no one could find her.
Until Sunday night. As our last party guests were leaving, up walks Angel Food Cake, like nothing was wrong.

Brett likes to think that she was on a great adventure, but I am not letting her out anymore. I would rather listen to her cry at the door, than worry about where she is!