Monday, July 28, 2008

Guest star plays in the Westmoreland band!

This past Sunday we had a guest guitar player helping out the Westmoreland Band - my cousin Sam Kelly!

We knew that Brett was going to be the only guitar scheduled to play (because the other in the band is on vacation), and since Sam plays as well we decided to ask him to help out.

Sam was very excited, and practiced with Brett all weekend (even though I found out that one of the "practice" sessions had a Wii Mario Cart break). On Sunday morning, he was a great addition to the band and really worked hard to keep up with the "regulars." Everyone was so excited to see a new (YOUNG) face up front for worship, and thought that Sam did a great job!

Here is a video of one of the songs:

We hope Sam will be back to play next time he visits!

1 comment:

mynameis... said...

sorry because i don't know you guys but you have a cool page and um... TAG!!! check out my page for the details.
and cool page, really