Friday, June 20, 2008

What I really miss...

There is one thing I REALLY miss about my life before kids.

Spending time with my husband? No - still see him.

Sleeping in? No - I am used to our schedule.

Hanging out with friends? - No - They keep coming around no matter how many kids we have.

Having money for myself? - No - regardless of everything we gave up spending, I really never feel like I NEED anything (except maybe a new drier).

Nope... what I miss is listening to my radio LOUD in the car!

It is seriously the ONLY thing that I miss when I am with Peter. Today I had a major case of loud music withdrawl when I bought a new CD at Target and wanted to listen to it on the way home. As I popped it into the CD player I remembered to play it very quietly so I didn't make him deaf before the age of 1, but I didn't like it one bit.

It sort of makes me want to go sit in my car now that Peter is taking a nap, just so I can ROCK OUT... but I won't.

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