Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Pajama choices

Since Peter is the first great grandchild in the Gardner family (regardless of the fact that Brett is the second youngest grandchild); and we are one of the first of our friends to have kids, and because I have a huge and very spoiling family - he is incredibly spoiled.

I swear this kid has more clothes that I did before I got married (now I have a normal amount because I had to get rid of FIVE construction sized trash bags to make room for Brett).

Yet for some reason when I went to look in on Peter before I went to bed last night he was wearing his new swim shirt as pajamas.

Since he had been wearing it to try on right before bedtime I assumed that Brett had decided to skip his bath and just put him in bed as is. However, I then remembered Brett specifically going to run a bath, so I was confused.

When Brett got upstairs and I questioned him on the matter he essentially said that it was the closest piece of clothing.

Then he added, "It seemed to work SWIMMINGLY."

And yet again Brett distracts me with corny lines to make me forget about nagging him.

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