When I was pregnant with Peter it didn't matter how close we got to the due date, I was not ready. It wasn't motherhood that I was scared of, it was the act of getting a 7 pound human out of a very small area of my body that had me fearful (and after 18 hours of labor and a c-section I think my fears were valid).

Until Peter was out of me I was pretty much in a state of panic about what my body was going to have to do. Because of my fear, I never packed for the hospital (anyone who know me knows that I am a planner, so this is very odd behavior). Some how I had put it in my mind that if I didn't pack I would never have to give birth... yeah, well come to find out, that isn't how things work.

After sending my sister to my apartment for clothes, and my mom to Target several times during our hospital stay I learned that the baby doesn't really care if you are packed or not.
Now that I have done it before (and now that I have a scheduled C-section and know what to expect), I am totally ready to head to the hospital and bring home a baby!

This morning I even packed up Brett's and my suit case, along with my nursing pillow and an outfit for Aaron to go home in. The only thing left is to pack a camera the morning of. Hey it might be 10 weeks before our due date, but this is MUCH more normal behavior for me!
Pictures in this post are from Peter's labor and hospital stay.
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