Thursday, June 19, 2008


Ever since the moment that I got pregnant with Peter anyone who has had a child, worked with children, knows someone who has kids, etc. has wanted to give me unsolicited advice. While I know they have their best intentions at heart it is actually super annoying.

However, since becoming a mom I have also learned that it is somehow ingrained in your mom-DNA that you feel a strange need to share everything that you have learned with others. So, here is my advice for future or new parents - take it or leave it:

1. Being a good parent has TONS to do with being a good spouse. Not only will it help mold your child and teach them respect, confidence, and loyalty; but you will be a lot happier in the long run.

2. Read "The Baby Whisperer" by Tracy Hogg before giving birth. I am not saying she has all the answers, but Peter slept through the night at 8 weeks (and PLEASE give me some credit - I am not just "lucky" - it was a lot of work).

3. Be prepared to clean and vacuum your floors regularly once your child is crawling.

4. Enjoy every moment, because before you know it they aren't babies anymore :(

5. Buy Amazon Prime and order all diapers and formula from Amazon in bulk. For a diaper snob like me (Pampers are the ONLY thing I will put on my baby), this saves big money!

6. Don't listen to all the advice people give you (including but not limited to this blog).

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