Thursday, June 19, 2008


Just a question... When a wife is pregnant isn't the husband's job to get her all foods that she craves whenever she wants them?

I certainly thought so! However, Brett refuses to conform to this standard.

My cravings usually come a little before bedtime, and if we don't have whatever I want in the house his response is, "You are probably just hungry, but you don't need ___________." (The blank can be filled in with pizza, coffee ice cream, Oreos, peanut butter and banana sandwiches, anything from Taco Bell, macaroni and cheese, peanut butter and jelly on crackers, Cheez Itz dipped in sour cream, cheese steak, or anything else that would give you a heart attack just by looking at it.)

Then he will get me some random food and tell me to eat it and wait 20 minutes. If I am still hungry after the 20 minutes he will get me whatever I was craving.

Only ONE TIME in two pregnancies has he left the house and actually gotten me something because I was still hungry (it was Oreos and coffee ice cream and I wish I had them right now for breakfast!). So, even though he has somewhat of a valid point, it is super annoying.

On the other hand he is probably helping me keeping the pounds off, seeing as I ask for milk and cookies so much that I think he wonders if he married Santa Clause.

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