Then one day a sales person came to the door offering free kitchen and bathroom renovations. We figured it was worth a try, so we scheduled an appointment. After hours of picking out woods, counters, upgrades, etc. etc. etc. and triple checking measurements the sales person gave us an estimate that was a little higher than the others we had gotten, but included everything (the other people only told us material costs, not labor). We told them thanks, but no thanks and they dropped the price by 20% and went to go load up their car so we could talk it over.
When they came back in we explained that the issue was that we were first time buyers and we wanted to have a few more months of paying a mortgage before we committed to another monthly payment. To which they responded with a number 20% lower than the SECOND figure and said we wouldn't have to pay for a year.
Seeing as we had done the research and knew that the price and quality was really good we agreed and 3 weeks later we were moving everything out of the kitchen to get ready for renovations. After only 6 weeks (they told us it would take 2) of living without a kitchen and eating out almost every meal, we FINALLY have our kitchen completed!
My favorite feature of the new kitchen is the ice maker and glass cook top.
Brett's favorite feature is that his wife is finally cooking him meals again!
1 comment:
Your kitchen looks amazing!
If you don't mind my asking, who is the company that did the renovation? I know that Ant has been looking into redoing his kitchen, and they may be worth looking into for his condo! Let me know :)
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