When Brett and I first bought our house we had a couple things done (carpets put in the basement, as well as some paint and trim work), this included painting the two kids rooms upstairs. The nursery was painted light green (so we could make it uni-sex in case we had a girl), and the "big boy" room was painted a cobalt blue from about eye level down and white the rest of the way up to the ceiling.

After we did the initial painting, we didn't really do much to the room except putting the car and truck stickers on the wall to match the bedding we had picked out.

That is until a couple weekends ago when I got antsy and insisted that we put together the bunk beds we had purchased and finish setting up the room (I think they call this the nesting stage of pregnancy, however this is a quality I possess without being pregnant).

It only took Brett and I the duration of Peter's morning nap to finish assembling the beds, and I was able to complete the rest of the decorating by the end of the day.

My favorite parts of the room are the car shaped Christmas lights over the bunk beds, and the train table passed down from my cousin Sammy Kelly. Plus Peter already loves playing with the car shaped throw pillows.

So now the room is all set for someone to live in! The current plan is for Aaron to sleep in that room in a moses basket. When Peter is about 18 months (or whenever Aaron grows out of his basket) we will switch them and have him move to the bunk beds and Aaron move to the crib.

Honestly, I am actually really jealous of the room! I never had a room that was that coordinated and fun and it really makes me want to be a 5 year old boy!
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