So, for those of you who missed it (or were at the wedding and couldn't understand what I was saying through tears and nerves), here is my big toast for the Book-Goode wedding:
First of all I would like to thank both Alex’s and Troy’s parents and step parents for your moral and financial support during the planning and preparation for today. Without all of you, this event could not have been the wedding of my best friends’ dreams.
Second I would like to thank the person who first put the wheels in motion for today to happen - Brett Lederer! In December of 2005 Brett was working for my father’s company and decided to bring a friend from high school – Alex – as his date to the company Christmas party. Alex and I ended up sitting next to one another and Brett pretty much didn’t get a word in edge wise the entire night.
Brett, I know it probably was not your intention, but you introduced me to the best friend I have ever known that night and I am truly grateful!

Within a couple months we were vacationing together, gave each other the nick name – Bubbie – which we still call each other today, and Alex started dating one of my then boyfriend (now husband)’s best friends – Troy.
I had actually met Troy before I met Alex, and really liked him right off the bat. I can remember times when I would show up to a bar to meet up with the guys but they were already inside. Troy would come out and wait in line with me so I didn’t have to be alone. This really made me think that he would be a great boyfriend, so I got into cupid mode trying to set him up with all of my girlfriends.

I however had faith in him, and would always tell my friends that Troy seemed like a player, but he had serious boyfriend potential. It wasn’t until 5 or 6 months after I met Troy, when I introduced him to Alex that he FINALLY proved me right!
The only problem was that Alex was not the least bit interested in Troy. No matter how many times we hung out with him and he tried to work his magic, she would repeatedly end up asking me if, “that guy knew how to take the hint.”

Over time my desire for Alex and Troy to remain a couple took on a much less selfish role. I watched their love and respect grow, and saw how they brought out the best in each other. When I talk to either of them about the other there is always love in their words... even during the planning of this wedding when Alex would say that Troy was driving her CRAZY! I am sure she meant it with true love.
Not a single moment spent with you has gone un-noticed or un-appreciated and I cherish the love, friendship and support that you have given both Brett and myself and for your dedication to our son as his God parents.