Last Sunday (I know, I am a little behind), our church launched their new service - ReNew - for young adults. My friend, Sarah Merrill, came with me to help with the kids since Brett was busy playing in the band.
The service started off with the ReNew Band preforming an amazing set (rumor has it that people were asking if they had a CD!!!). Here is one of the songs that they preformed, Lead me to the Cross. The footage is a little shaky because Peter was on my lap "dancing" but you can see how great they sound!
The sermon was given by our friend Josh Burnett, and was titled "ReNew your relationship with God." He made a parallel of his meeting and courtship of his wife and getting to know and having a relationship with God. Plus he told some great spit ball stories from sixth grade.
After service, Peter got to go on stage and play Daddy's drum set and then we piled the kids in the car to grab a bite to eat with the Merrills. The next ReNew service is on SATURDAY OCTOBER 5 @ 5:15pm at Westfield High School in Centreville.
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