Last Monday, our friend's Mike and Sarah Merrill invited themselves over for an impromptu cookout. We were absolutely delighted! The invitation (to themselves?) included an offer to bring yummy chicken and veggie skewers to grill and a BOX of Sangria (who knew you could get Sangria in a box?).

Of course they also brought over an extra set of hands to help with Baby Aaron (when Sarah is around, no one else really gets to hold Aaron... do you think she likes being a God Mom or what?). After dinner and Peter's bath and bed time we all retreated to the dining room to play cards (Sarah was STILL holding Aaron!).

As we always do with the Merrills we had a great time! It is always nice when people don't mind coming to us now that we are juggling two babies and it is hard to get out. We hope they (and anyone else) invites themselves over more often!
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