Guests in attendance were, Brett's parents, brother, sister-in-law, cousins, and co-worker; my mother and cousins; Peter's God parents, many of our friends that have kids, and some of Peter's friends from church and MOMS club.
Next we all chowed down on pizza, before Mr. Don arrived to entertain the kids.
Being the ham that Peter is, as soon as Mr. Don got on the microphone and announced Peter's name he jumped up from where he was playing and ran into the middle of the room. Clearly he is my child ;) Unfortunately, I did not have my video camera ready to get footage of this, but I did get a lot of videos that day:
Mr. Don entertained the guests:
Peter playing the tambourine:
Singing the Wheels on the Bus:
Peter Blowing out his candles:
Here are some other photos from the party:
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