Monday, March 7, 2011

My First Sex Party

Last Friday night, Brett and I invited a few friends and local family over to find out the sex of Baby G3 (as we call our third baby).

That morning I went to the doctor's office to get a level II sonogram and while at the doctor's office I gave them a folder with two sheets of paper - one that said "It's a Girl" and one that said "It's a Boy!".

As much as it killed me, I didn't look at the screen once (after two babies you can figure out what the sex is with that type of technology pretty easily), and asked that the doctor leave the correct sex in the envelop with the sonogram pictures then seal it up.

When they gave me back my envelop it took everything I had not to open it up and peek inside, but I resisted the urge!

Eight LONG hours later we were eating BBQ with friends and waiting for the big reveal. Brett and I stood up and opened the envelop up together to find out - we are having a GIRL!

I almost fell over from shock as Brett threw his arms in the air in excitement (he has always wanted a girl).

You can watch the video from the big moment here!

The next morning I was over being shocked and freaked out, while Brett was just starting to worry. After his mini panic attack from "not knowing what to do with a girl" we moved on to picking baby names.

We knew that this baby was going to be a "C" name if it was a girl, so we quickly narrowed the names down to Campbell, Charlie, and Celia. Then we decided to let the boys decide what they wanted to name their sister. After we asked each individually we had a unanimous decision - Peter and Aaron's sister would be named "Campbell"! I wanted a family name for her middle name, so I took my mother's middle name "Louise" for my first daughter.

Knowing the sex and naming her has made this pregnancy seem even more real and exciting. We cannot wait to meet Campbell Louise Gardner this summer!!!

1 comment:

The Four Nguyens said...

Okay, Jillian! Now I can look and comment without feeling like I am invading your privacy... What a fun idea for a party, and I love the name you chose for the new baby. Enjoyed meeting you this past weekend!