So I realize that this blog is 99.9% to inform family and friends who are out to town, or out of touch, what is going on with Peter (and any other Gardner children who show up on our doorstep). However, this week is Valentine's and I am feeling extra lovey dovey toward my hubby, so if you don't feel like puking please stop reading now!
For those of you who don't want the calories from lunch...
Way #1 - Brett makes me laugh every single day of our lives. Recently I was mad at him for assuming that I would take care of something, but when I asked him "Do you know what happens when you assume?" (Cleary informing him that it makes an ass out of you and me) His response was "I get some ass?" Ok, so I might not like swears, but man did that make me crack up. Oh yeah, and completely forget why I was mad.
Way #2 - I get the best surprises EVER! So, Brett might not be the best at keeping surprises (there has rarely been a holiday, gift, event that he didn't spill the beans about); but he does get me the best stuff! For the past few months I have known that this week Brett was going to be gone to his builders show in Florida. Of course I was sad because, lets face it, I am completely co-dependant, but it is also Valentine's Day! Then last night I was saying that I was going to tell all of our friends that have kids that I would watch them on Valentine's Day so they could have date night. That is when he told me that he had gotten out of his business trip so he could stay home with me the whole week! It was the third time in my life I cried in happiness. So melty :)
Way #3 - Mushiest, corniest, cheesiest hubby EVER! On top of being a surprising, hilarious husband, Brett is about the most charming and make-you-want-to-throw-up romantic guy I have ever met. One night he was going on and on telling Peter how much he loved me, and how beautiful I was, etc. etc. etc. At the comment "And I love your mommy so much that we made you" - Peter promptly threw up all over himself.
Way #4 - I always get to sleep through the night. Since I am a stay at home mom, and with the baby most of the time, Brett has always gotten up in the middle of the night if Peter wakes up - no questions asked. This started when we were still breast feeding and the deal was that Brett would get him up, change his diaper and bring him to our bed to feed. However, when we stopped breast feeding at 12 weeks Brett did not stop getting up at night! This is especially commendable since he is kept up late at night by my night owl ways, as well as has to wake up early for a long commute.
Way #5 - I am the hottest girl he has ever met. Since I have now been pregnant 12 out of the past 15 months I am not exactly thrilled with my body's new lumpy, stretch marked and scared form. Brett however couldn't be happier. He tells me on a daily basis how beautiful he thinks I am and when I am down on myself he reminds me that all he sees is the amazing body that created his children. Again, very cheesy, but who doesn't want cheesy?
So, there are millions more ways that I love him, but we all need to get back to work. Wishing everyone as much love, happiness and cheesiness as I am blessed with!
Happy early Valentines :)