Peter has always been a very verble and "talkative" baby. He wants to communicate so much that when he is playing he will talk to himself the whole time, if he is "talking" and you don't understand what he wants he get visably frustrated, and he already makes real "word sounding" sounds!
His sounds are so much like words that we have actually argued about whether he has actually said his first word yet. This is because he will say MA MA MA MA MA over and over. Of course I think this is definately his first word, while Brett (jealous that Peter doesn't say anything close to DA DA) says he is just making noise, but doesn't understand what he is saying.
Yesterday Peter proved MA MA right! A friend of mine was holding him when he was tired and a little cranky and he reached out for me and said clearly "MA MA." It was my proudest moment to date, and I cannot wait for more!
Of course Brett claims that this only happened because I walk around the house saying MA MA all day long, which may or may not be true.